Studenti Liberi dai Pregiudizi

di Mirco Tonin Con l’inizio dell’anno scolastico ritornano in primo piano temi importanti come il reclutamento dei docenti, le materie, i metodi di insegnamento e l’adeguatezza delle strutture. Si parla poco di un fattore forse meno tangibile, ma non trascurabile: le aspettative riguardo ai risultati degli studenti. È importante — e quanto — che i ragazzi si sentano spronati da genitori e insegnanti a fare bene? Qual è il grado d’incidenza dell’ambizione delle famiglie nei risultati scolastici? Quanto simili considerazioni risultino cruciali è dimostrato da uno studio appena pubblicato da Naci Mocan e Han Yu, analizzando la credenza — diffusa […]

Nice video on Innovation with Limited Resources

Here you can find a nice video on an article co-authored by our colleague Alfredo De Massis on innovation in family firms. The paper upon which the video is based is: “Innovation with limited resources: Management lessons from the German Mittelstand”, published on the Journal of Product Innovation Management. A copy of the article is available here

Sexism and Wage Discrimination

by Steve Stillman October, 9th, 2017   It is well established that women earn less than men with similar qualifications in most countries. This is true in New Zealand and other OECD countries, but exactly why it is the case is less clear.   In our research, we used wage data and productivity data from the whole of New Zealand to look at the reasons for the gender wage gap. We found that sexism is likely to be the most important driver of the gender wage gap, rather than women working in low-paying industries or firms, being less productive, or […]